How much is Coldwell Banker Rental Division's broker fee?
Coldwell Banker Rental Division does not charge for information provided by the website nor do we charge for viewing of apartments or rental properties with through our brokers. Clients pay a broker's fee ONLY if they rent a property through Coldwell Banker Rental Division. If the property is a NO FEE apartment in which case you will not incur brokers fee.
  • Unfurnished apartments: With a 1-2 year lease, Coldwell Banker Rental Division usually charges 15% of annual rent.
  • Furnished/Short Term rental fees: Please call or email for our discount pricing.

When should a perspective renter begin an apartment or property rental search?
Potential renters should begin their search 4-6 weeks prior to an anticipated moving date. Apartments are not usually ready more than 6 weeks ahead of a lease starting date.

Why choose Coldwell Banker Rental Division? What sets it apart from all the others?

Prospective renters seek out Coldwell Banker Rental Division Realty's service for 2 reasons:

First, our clients want to find the best deals coupled with the most value they can afford. They understand Coldwell Banker Rental Division's brokers will save them considerable money in the long run. They understand that we offer a variety of services, covering all aspects of their property search. Our clients understand that even though they might be able to find 'No Fee' apartments, our brokers work extremely hard to negotiate the lowest possible monthly-rent payments. This amounts to long term savings that renters who don't use Coldwell Banker Rental Division probably would not get.

Second, our clients want to save the time and energy that gets wasted when trying to find and close on a property in Chicago's dynamic real estate market. The process can be very frustrating without much result. Our clients come to us in order to utilize the guidance, knowledge and experience of our licensed brokers.